6 Months Certificate Course in Fetal Medicine

This extensive teaching and training course has been carefully crafted and will be for six months duration.
There will be on-line as well as occasional on-site classes which can be attended by busy practitioners also. The on-site classes will be once a month only.
The training modules are based on the guidelines of International Society of Ultrasound in Obstetrics and Gynecology (ISUOG) and Fetal Medicine Foundation (FMF).
Contact us for more details: +91- 9811116050, 9999488040
- With rapid advancements in the field of fetal imaging, genetics and fetal therapy, The practising radiologists need to upgrade their knowledge and bridge the gap in order to lead in this challenging field.
- We have the best faculty to teach relevant topics. During the training period , the trainees continue to perform scans at their places of work and maintain a log book where they can save the images for expert opinions. There will be regular test/ quizzes/real time case scenarios, which aim to enhance your skills. The training includes machine settings, how to interact with the patients, conduct the scans, counselling and management.
- By the end of training trainees are able to do scans and diagnose all the anomalies independently and would be able to counsel and manage various fetal abnormalities.
- Four Sundays/two weekends/ online classes/ Live demos/ hands -on training /log book/pre-course and post course tests/ assignments/ real case scenarios.
Four Sundays/ two weekends/ online classes/ Live demos/ hands -on training /log book/pre-course and post course tests/ assignments/ real case scenarios.
Course Highlights:-
- Early Pregnancy
- NT Scan
- First Trimester Morphological scan
- First Trimester Heart
- First Trimester Brain
- Mid-Trimester Anomaly Scan
- Fetal Cardiac Screening
- Fetal Neurosonography
- Fetal GI
- Fetal Genito-Urinary
- Fetal Skeletal System
- Fetal Growth and Doppler
- Twins and multi-order pregnancies
- Fetal Genetics
- Fetal Interventions: amniocentesis
- Fetal Therapy